Knowing the sustainable clothing brand: The Peruvian Alps

Knowing the sustainable clothing brand: The Peruvian Alps

The environmental impact generated by the textile industry is extremely damaging to the sustainability of the planet and more and more globally recognized brands belong to the category of fast fashion (weekly trend clothing with low quality without environmental awareness).

In Peru, few are the brands that really commit to making a significant difference in environmental impact, one that offers fair trade, generates a cushioning in the carbon footprint and maintains a real commitment to the environment, in short, everything that which allows a balance between society and nature.

A brand that is committed to generating a positive impact like us is “The Peruvian Alps” ; Forbes magazine recently recognized his efforts in sustainability, being the only Peruvian brand, along with brands such as Allbirds and Farm Rio.
Definitely, it is a top quality product that uses one of the finest fibers in the Baby Alpaca world, encourages the reduction of the use of plastic and recycling with its packaging and provides opportunities to the Andean communities.

Next, Orietta Chong, CEO & Co-founder of The Peruvian Alps (TPA) will tell us in more detail about her experience with her brand.

1. Tell us about yourself and how your interest in sustainable fashion was born. Is there something that has marked that moment?

I have always wanted to do something related to fashion, and the interest was present from a very young age.

I studied a career related to business, which allowed me to understand the impact that companies have on the economic development of the country, and, in parallel, I took fashion courses, of which there was one that fascinated me: Eco Fashion. Thanks to that course, I had a different perspective on the industry.

I learned that the textile sector has generated, for many years, a negative impact on the earth (it is the second most polluting industry on the planet, after the oil), and that both
Companies like consumers are responsible, but at the same time there are sustainable practices that can help change the course of the future of the planet.


2. What really prompted you to create The Peruvian Alps? Why?

I was driven by a love for fashion mixed with a love for my country, and the desire I have to contribute a grain of sand to the place where I have grown up.

I believe that each of us has a responsibility to give back to the planet from wherever we are. In our case, our country, Peru, has welcomed us and lent us its space to make it our home. Today, I seek to honor him, both with the development and impact that we can generate from TPA, and from each of my decisions and daily actions.

3. How is your value proposition sustainable?

Sustainability implies staying over time without depleting resources or causing damage to our ecosystem. That is why it is necessary to understand that no clothing brand is 100% sustainable, since the processes of a company involve consumption of energy, fuel, water or some other type of resource necessary for the creation / manufacture / operation of the brand. In addition, there are different stakeholders from which we are outside to control the benefits and / or damages generated for each of them.

Bearing this in mind, at TPA we make every effort to be consistent with what we communicate based on our beliefs. Our value proposition consists of spreading comfort and finesse, taking Peru to the world through quality products, considering that sustainability is the right way to build a brand.

From our products, we promote conscious buying and from our packaging, recycling and reuse. With regard to social impact, we are closing a strategic alliance with an NGO that promotes sustainable development in the Andean communities and we seek to grow with them and form a long-term relationship. On the other hand, we believe in the right price and the recognition of the effort for the work of our collaborators. Likewise, we generate valuable content to promote the development of a sustainable lifestyle.

4. Why Baby Alpaca?

We chose Baby Alpaca fiber because it is one of the finest and most exclusive types of alpaca in the world. It is called this way, because only the first shearing of the alpaca is used. It is characterized because it is very thin, thermally insulating, resistant and durable.

It is important to note that alpacas are not affected in the shearing process. The alpaca is an animal that, due to the amount of fur it has, needs to be clipped periodically, otherwise it could suffocate. This is an important point that prompted us to decide to work with this fiber while contributing to the care of these animals.

5. Taking into account that natural resources in Peru are one of our strongest benefits, do you consider that sustainable fashion is the future of Peru?

That’s how it is. In fact, sustainability is not a trend, it has come to stay. It is the only way to continue growing, and not only in the fashion industry, but in all of them.

One of our motivations is to be a reference so that more people can reflect on their purchase decisions and, also, to be a reference so that more entrepreneurs bet on businesses developed based on sustainability.

6. Based on your experience meeting the public, what would you say to people interested in changing their fashion habits and being more aligned with the environment?

That change is up to us. Changing a habit, no matter how small, can have great effects. Be more aware in each purchase decision, if you are really going to use the garment that you are “dying to buy” or you are going to end up with the label stored in the closet, for example.

7. Finally, tell us about your next projects. What are your goals for TPA next year?

We want to continue positioning ourselves as a sustainable brand, it seems important to us to have a critical voice that encourages people to transform their lifestyle to a more sustainable one, with decisions made based on the empathy and respect that we owe to the planet.

In addition, we maintain our commitment to take Peru up high. We want the world to see how valuable our country is in every way, in the fineness of our garments but also the excellence that we can achieve with our work. For this reason, continuing with our internationalization is one of the most important objectives for next year.

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